Happy Valentine’s Day!!  I realized the other day as I continue down the dark humid tunnel of cheese making that I forgot to update the effort of December 5th.  So what you see below is the end of the cheese wheel!  Sadly, my work is not yet what I am after….I want this stuff to run and oooooooze all over the plate when cut into.  So far this cheese is delicious in flavor but does not have the texture that I am aiming for.  Thankfully they are still wonderful to eat and truly GREAT grating cheese.  Full of umami and richness.

Almost The End of the December 5th Wheel

Beautiful, Delicious, Fresh Raw Cow Milk Ricotta from February 9th

Why the Picture of The Ravioli Making?

First Course, Ravioli Stuffed with Fresh Ricotta, Spinach, Secret Ingredient, EK cheese grated on top

February 9th found me yet again with a gallon of raw cow milk and a morning for cheese making.  This cycle I promise to be more proactive about updating the progress of these beauties.

New Batch of Cheese, February 9, 2011, Curds & Whey

The Beauties on Valentine's Day 2011