Well dear readers (if there are any of you left) I am back with greetings, explanations and apologies.  I have been struggling with the content for this blog ever since returning from France.  Hard to find my daily life to be much more than it is…..fun, wonderful, mine, but not Hollywood, Bollywood, Washington, New York or France.  I suppose I could do something similar here; grab a map, fill up the tank, and head out for an adventure.  But somehow that seems either silly or indulgent when in your own ‘hood.

In addition to my personal apprehension about how to move this blog forward it came to my attention from some good friends that they thought the “blog” too girly and without substance (and they thought it might be doubling as a web site).  It was some serious bashing but seemed to be about the header (they did not comment on the content).  They thought it a complete fluff and not serious.  I suppose that it is somewhat girly….but then so am I.  Probably not what one sees when said girl is riding on a tractor or dragging hoses in the cellar or many other aspects of growing grapes and making wine.  But then that is not my entire life.  In fact, when I first conceived of the blog I started looking for the perfect vineyard picture.  Preferably one that I took.  I immediately searched in “my pictures” for a great photo of Chateauneuf-du-Pape with glistening galets. And indeed, I found one.  But then I realized that this project was about Old Vine Grenache, not about CNdP or specifically those vineyards.  And then I realized that this blog was about a lot more than vineyards, here or in France.  This blog was my opportunity to keep a journal.  Not just of my exploration and ultimately winemaking in France but my mid-life adventure.  Which frankly, I hope is about a lot more than just growing grapes and making wine.  It is about growing, period!  The header photo was in fact one that I took (but beautifully massaged by Luisa, my super blog designer).  This was taken in the garden in the south of France at the home of dear friends.  The garden is spectacular (so are they!)  I enjoyed many lovely days there in the spring with this home as a base for a great deal of my time there.  Gardens and gardening are one of my greatest pleasures.  Since my home in Napa I have not had much opportunity to enjoy gardening although our current humble abode has a very cute suburban back yard…..with lots of flowers, herbs, and in late summer goodies for the table.

Perhaps one of the issues in writing a daily blog is as mentioned, my life is not that interesting and secondly I am having some trouble sorting out how my days should look.  I am not used to “not going to work”, even when I worked from my home.  Right now the world is my oyster and I have tooooooo many oyster shells clinking around in my brain.  I tried to explain to these friends that my blog was not just about vineyards, but about life.  As I tried to articulate the many projects floating around in my head I realized how scattered and ADD this sounded (of course it was late in the evening after much pleasure).  So, the following weekend I headed to the local Office Depot, purchased the “big board” and downloaded my head. OMG, it felt like the world’s greatest massage…empty, spent, relaxed.

My Brain Off Drugs

And coolly enough, some of these things actually have X’s through them now meaning complete…or off the agenda in any case.  This board has helped me itemize and prioritize….and fantasize.

“Cheese” is an item on my master list.  I have dabbled in cheese making on and off for over ten years starting in Napa.  Strauss Farm located in Petaluma became famous when Cowgirl Creamery started using their milk many years ago.  Strauss had cream and milk at my local grocery store.  I started buying milk by the gallon and making cheese.  The mozzarella was pretty decent.  More pizza style than fresh for Caprese salad.  The other attempts were pretty pathetic.  But I had been bitten by the bug.  I have taken up the passion again but with much more direction.

Fresh Cheese At Home, December 5

Final Clean Up

This is the “direction”.  The following were taken at a cheese making class outside of Snoqualmie, WA at the River Valley Creamery.  It was a long drive up and back but worth every minute of class.  Loved it and hope to apprentice for a few days with Julie in the new year.

Cheese Making at River Valley

Preparing to Flip the Cheese

The Flip!

A Vat of Jack In Process

Weights and Whey

"Assembly Line"

So, other than trying to unravel the mysteries of my brain, cobwebs and all I have had the luxury of a non stressed run up to Xmas.  We head to California for an under 24 hour turn around but see lots of family and a handful of friends in that short time.  Enough time is not lots of time however, like our kooky neighbor who seems to have plenty of fun time.    And we in the neighborhood are thankful as we smile or outright laugh out loud with childish glee when driving by (slowing to a crawl for a longer gaze) as the evening lights come on.

First Glimpse Along the Sidewalk

A Mystery to All of Us

The Front Yard

Ninja Power Ranger Transformer

Some people take the Xmas decoration thing to the limit.  We have a modest tree with ornaments that have been gathered and given over the years that David and I have been together.

Tree of Giving 2010

Packages have started to arrive in anticipation of a small family gathering of food, foolishness, frivolity, and fun.  Regardless of one’s religious relationship to December 25th it is a lovely time to slow down and soak in the brandy of love like a soused fruitcake.  Stay cool and focused.  A new year is just around the corner.  Yippee, and Happy New Year!