Our Saturday luncheon took place in the courtyard in front of l’eglise Saint-Jacques.   I am not absolutely clear on the history of this small church.  I can tell you that it is quite beautiful.  There are references to some kind of holy site here as early as 900 AD.  Clearly some parts of this building were built/renovated in the 11th and 12th centuries.  I am seeing some sources that are linking this church to St. Jacques who seems to have roamed a great deal of the French/Spanish countryside and now has a long route named after him (in France called chemin de St-Jacques).  David and I have seen many people walking/biking this route.  Some of it is quite lovely and rural, other parts run “right through town”.  Whether or not the famous St. Jacques passed through this exact location I cannot be sure.  Mass is held weekly on Tuesday evenings.

Coquille St. Jacques!?

A Quiet Corner

Blue Light

Church Statue Overlooking City Below